

This page lists relevant publications by the OneK1K team.

Please cite the OneK1K flagship paper (Yazar et al.) in papers that make use of OneK1K data and results, and provide a link to the browser if you build online resources that include the data set.

Current Citations


  • Yazar S., Alquicira-Hernández J., Wing K., Senabouth A., Gordon G., Andersen S., Lu Q., Rowson A., Taylor T., Clarke L., Maccora L., Chen C., Cook A., Ye J., Fairfax K., Hewitt A., Powell J. Single cell eQTL mapping identified cell type specific control of autoimmune disease. Science, 376, 6589 (2022)

Cell Classification

  • Alquicira-Hernandez J, Sathe A, Ji H, Nguyen Q, Powell J. scPred: Single cell prediction using singular value decomposition and machine learning classification. Genome Biology, 20, 1, 1-17 (2019). Software here.


  • Alquicira-Hernandez J, Powell J. Nebulosa recovers single-cell gene expression signals by kernel density estimation. Bioinformatics, 37, 285-287 (2021). Software here.


  • Neavin D, Senabouth A, Lee J, Ripoll A, sc-eQTLGen Consortium, Franke L, Prabhakar S, Ye J, McCarthy D, Melé M, Hemberg M, Powell J. Demuxafy: Improvement in droplet assignment by integrating multiple single-cell demultiplexing and doublet detection methods. Biorxiv. Software here.